Strauss Ariadne discography
(too old to reply)
2004-09-04 04:59:20 UTC
Where can I find a good discography of recordings of Ariadne auf Naxos?

-david gable
2004-09-04 05:35:44 UTC
Subject: Strauss Ariadne discography
Date: 9/4/2004 12:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Where can I find a good discography of recordings of Ariadne auf Naxos?
-david gable
Did you see this? http://www.prex.com/biography/Richard-Strauss-discography.htm
(I love Google®). The only Ariadne you need to own is the 1957 Leinsdorf
recording with Rysanek, Jurinac, Peerce, Peters and Walter Berry. Leonie's Es
Gibt ein Reich will make your hair stand on ond. Peter's Zerbinetta is
flawless. The Commedia del'Arte ensemble is the jazziest on record. If you
cannot find that recording, the Levine recording with Tomowa-Sintow is
satisfying. Kathleen Battle's Zerbinetta is formidable. I especially like the
opening of the "opera". The women's voices are all perfect.

2004-09-04 06:51:14 UTC
Post by Mark
The only Ariadne you need to own is the 1957 Leinsdorf
recording with Rysanek, Jurinac, Peerce, Peters and Walter Berry. Leonie's Es
Gibt ein Reich will make your hair stand on ond. Peter's Zerbinetta is
flawless. The Commedia del'Arte ensemble is the jazziest on record. If you
cannot find that recording,
You mean I don't need a recording with Lisa della Casa? (I know and like the
Rysanek/Leinsdorf recording.)
Post by Mark
the Levine recording with Tomowa-Sintow is
satisfying. Kathleen Battle's Zerbinetta is formidable.
Sorry, but I consider Levine to be a dirty word. I have yet to hear him
conduct anything truly distinctively, and I've heard him conduct Mozart, Verdi,
Wagner, Puccini, Berg, Carter, etc. either live or on records.

-david gable
Stephen Jay-Taylor
2004-09-04 06:34:49 UTC

And occasionally a member of the surviving family will engage in a
cyber-natter, even with mere proles such as myself.

SJT, who won their last quiz.
Stephen Jay-Taylor
2004-09-04 16:50:28 UTC
PS. My personal favourite - which I didn't volunteer earlier since that
wasn't what you asked for - is the EMI Kempe / Janowitz with the Dresden
Staatskapelle, who carry all before them, including a rough Bacchus (Jess
Thomas) ; a bland, "mere" Zerbinetta (Sylvia Geszty) ; and a very peculiar
recording. SJT, Strauss-monstering.
Stephen Jay-Taylor
2004-09-04 16:56:56 UTC
PPS. Oops. James King, not Jess Thomas. Still rough, though.

SJT, rummaging for his dunce's cap.
2004-09-06 19:11:54 UTC
Post by Stephen Jay-Taylor
PPS. Oops. James King, not Jess Thomas. Still rough, though.
SJT, rummaging for his dunce's cap.
Is the Nagano set the only recording of Ariadne I? I still drool
thinking about what it could have been to have Margaret Price singing
Ariadne in the 70's.

I, myself, am not quite such a fan of Lisa della Casa on the live (is
it Kleiber? the one with Hilde Gueden as a delightful Zerbinetta) set
I have. Ariadne has some moments low in the range and I've never been
too much of a fan of della Casa's lower register--and then there are
the wide interval leaps which she takes cleanly...a little too cleanly
(i know, weird criticism), but I just find myself wanting more of a
scoop a la Gueden ;)

I've been eaten up with curiosity about the Kempe though, as I hear it
mentioned a lot but have not been able to find it with the slightly
hugger-mugger/dispirited searches I've made. How available is it?

2004-09-06 19:30:40 UTC
Post by alex
I've been eaten up with curiosity about the Kempe though, as I hear it
mentioned a lot but have not been able to find it with the slightly
hugger-mugger/dispirited searches I've made. How available is it?
2004-09-07 00:52:20 UTC
Post by alex
I, myself, am not quite such a fan of Lisa della Casa on the live (is
it Kleiber? the one with Hilde Gueden as a delightful Zerbinetta) set
I have.
It's with Karl Böhm.
Post by alex
Ariadne has some moments low in the range and I've never been
too much of a fan of della Casa's lower register--
Believe it or not, I have yet to hear this live Ariadne, but I love Della
Casa's low notes in the studio recording of "Es gibt ein Reich." Part of the
effect of notes that low in a soprano's range is precisely that they are odd,
lacking the fullness and body of the notes in the bulk of her range. Their
timbre is distinct from the notes in the rest of her range. The sound that
comes out of Della Casa's throat in that register in the studio is positively
Post by alex
I just find myself wanting more of a
scoop [in Ariadne's music] a la Gueden
Gueden and Della Casa may well be my very favorite singers, so Gueden's
presence in the cast is an added incentive for picking up this live Ariadne. I
certainly wouldn't mind hearing a Gueden Ariadne or at least an "Es gibt ein
Reich," but none exists to my knowledge.

-david gable
Richard Loeb
2004-09-07 01:44:20 UTC
Funny that I hear they really detested each other during the Arabella Decca
sessions. Richard
Post by David7Gable
Post by alex
I, myself, am not quite such a fan of Lisa della Casa on the live (is
it Kleiber? the one with Hilde Gueden as a delightful Zerbinetta) set
I have.
It's with Karl Böhm.
Post by alex
Ariadne has some moments low in the range and I've never been
too much of a fan of della Casa's lower register--
Believe it or not, I have yet to hear this live Ariadne, but I love Della
Casa's low notes in the studio recording of "Es gibt ein Reich." Part of the
effect of notes that low in a soprano's range is precisely that they are odd,
lacking the fullness and body of the notes in the bulk of her range.
Post by David7Gable
timbre is distinct from the notes in the rest of her range. The sound that
comes out of Della Casa's throat in that register in the studio is positively
Post by alex
I just find myself wanting more of a
scoop [in Ariadne's music] a la Gueden
Gueden and Della Casa may well be my very favorite singers, so Gueden's
presence in the cast is an added incentive for picking up this live Ariadne. I
certainly wouldn't mind hearing a Gueden Ariadne or at least an "Es gibt ein
Reich," but none exists to my knowledge.
-david gable
2004-09-07 14:46:37 UTC
Funny that I hear they [Della Casa & Gueden] really detested each other during
the Arabella Decca
sessions. Richard
I think Culshaw says as mucn in one of his memoirs.

-david gable
2004-09-07 06:33:02 UTC
Post by David7Gable
Post by alex
I, myself, am not quite such a fan of Lisa della Casa on the live (is
it Kleiber? the one with Hilde Gueden as a delightful Zerbinetta) set
I have.
It's with Karl Böhm.
Ah yes, thank you--I just double checked as well :)
Post by David7Gable
Post by alex
Ariadne has some moments low in the range and I've never been
too much of a fan of della Casa's lower register--
Believe it or not, I have yet to hear this live Ariadne, but I love Della
Casa's low notes in the studio recording of "Es gibt ein Reich." Part of the
effect of notes that low in a soprano's range is precisely that they are odd,
lacking the fullness and body of the notes in the bulk of her range. Their
timbre is distinct from the notes in the rest of her range. The sound that
comes out of Della Casa's throat in that register in the studio is positively
I think so, too, except I think I find them unearthly in the opposite
direction than you do. It's also a function of not being terribly
crazy about her "normal" timbre either, but as you like it, my
negatives could very well be plusses for you. It really is spot on,
intonation-wise, and all-of-a-piece phrasing-wise, which is
Post by David7Gable
Post by alex
I just find myself wanting more of a
scoop [in Ariadne's music] a la Gueden
Gueden and Della Casa may well be my very favorite singers, so Gueden's
presence in the cast is an added incentive for picking up this live Ariadne. I
certainly wouldn't mind hearing a Gueden Ariadne or at least an "Es gibt ein
Reich," but none exists to my knowledge.
-david gable
Gueden sounds a bit stressed on the sonics of the set I have--but I
decided last I heard it that it was instead mic placement. Despite
some smudging (not, i think because the role is outside her grasp, but
because it tests her a bit) it's an enchanting enchanting role for
her. Seefried as the Composer is also nonpareil. or nonpareille,
rather :) Yes, a Gueden Ariadne would be gorgeous (I like her much
better than I do della Casa), but I think it'll just have to be
chalked up to "what could have been."

And it's interesting, because the trend in casting Ariadne now seems
to be a very weighty weighty voice, which I don't necessarily have a
problem with, especially if it can cope with the strange floridness
that goes with it (I rather like Norman in the otherwise rather
charmless DVD), but while I think a solid tone (don't like the Karajan
aside from the engaging Streich - my favorite thing she's done) is
very desireable, I'm not entirely sure about the weight in recent

Who (besides Debbie Voigt--and I'm still not entirely sold on her
Ariadne either really) would you like to hear as Ariadne nowadays?

(ooo, my mind's ear just got a taste of what Welitsch might've been
like in this role--certainly a big difference from the traditional
take i imagine!)

Nora Renka
2004-09-07 03:42:30 UTC
Post by alex
Is the Nagano set the only recording of Ariadne I? I still drool
thinking about what it could have been to have Margaret Price singing
Ariadne in the 70's.
So far as I know, I think it is. I'm pretty sure that Gruberova, at
least, has recorded the original version of Zerbinetta's aria, with
those lovely high F-sharps to deal with.
Post by alex
I, myself, am not quite such a fan of Lisa della Casa on the live (is
it Kleiber? the one with Hilde Gueden as a delightful Zerbinetta)
Post by alex
set I have. Ariadne has some moments low in the range and I've never been
too much of a fan of della Casa's lower register--and then there are
the wide interval leaps which she takes cleanly...a little too cleanly
(i know, weird criticism), but I just find myself wanting more of a
scoop a la Gueden ;)
della Casa is, I agree, not at her best on this set; I don't have it
at hand so I can't give more info, but she is to my ears very, very
good on the excerpts CD of Ariadne with Schock as Bacchus--it's on
'EMI Raritat', if I remember correctly. I really like the two of them
together doing the Bacchus/Ariadne stuff.
Post by alex
I've been eaten up with curiosity about the Kempe though, as I hear it
mentioned a lot but have not been able to find it with the slightly
hugger-mugger/dispirited searches I've made. How available is it?
I got mine used, but I've seen copies of it at the Tower Records next
to Lincoln Center manyatime. I like it, although at times Janowitz'
tendency to get hooty in her upper register is rather annoying.
Kempe's sense of pacing and the ensemble playing are both fabulous,

(Strauss Monster!)
2004-09-07 19:24:24 UTC
Post by Nora Renka
Post by alex
Is the Nagano set the only recording of Ariadne I? I still drool
thinking about what it could have been to have Margaret Price singing
Ariadne in the 70's.
So far as I know, I think it is. I'm pretty sure that Gruberova, at
least, has recorded the original version of Zerbinetta's aria, with
those lovely high F-sharps to deal with.
I think there are a few who've recorded the original Grossmachtige,
Prinzessin - I remember a while ago, Mike Richter had put up a series
of them on his site. My memory wants me to say that Beverly Sills was
one of them - and quite a good one, though I've never really cared for
Sills' recorded sound in the later years.
Post by Nora Renka
Post by alex
I've been eaten up with curiosity about the Kempe though, as I hear it
mentioned a lot but have not been able to find it with the slightly
hugger-mugger/dispirited searches I've made. How available is it?
I got mine used, but I've seen copies of it at the Tower Records next
to Lincoln Center manyatime. I like it, although at times Janowitz'
tendency to get hooty in her upper register is rather annoying.
Kempe's sense of pacing and the ensemble playing are both fabulous,
(Strauss Monster!)
Well, that's a shame that the Janowitz hootiness mars it somewhat,
though I seem to have a much larger threshhold for it than others. I
shall have to investigate (though who knows when will be the next time
I'll be in NYC...) And I've come to realize that as important as the
singing voices are in Strauss's operas, the orchestral pacing, etc.
impacts it much more than I used to give it credit.

I shall have to dig out the two Ariadne's I own (well, three counting
the Aix-en-Provence kinescope with the glorious Tatiana Troyanos and
Mady Mesple...Crespin doesn't do so well this evening) and give them
another listen.

Incidentally, which is your favorite?

R Kayser
2004-09-07 03:59:49 UTC
Post by alex
Post by Stephen Jay-Taylor
PPS. Oops. James King, not Jess Thomas. Still rough, though.
SJT, rummaging for his dunce's cap.
Is the Nagano set the only recording of Ariadne I? I still drool
thinking about what it could have been to have Margaret Price singing
Ariadne in the 70's.
I once saw a live recording with Beecham from about 1950
from some Festival (Edinburgh?) which claimed to be the
Ur-Ariadne. The label was Connoisseur or something like
that. Peter Anders was in the cast. But I didn't buy it.
mailto: vortumnus at gmx dot de
2004-09-06 16:00:24 UTC
Well anything with Janowitz and the Dresden Staatskapelle is a-okay by me.

Post by Stephen Jay-Taylor
PS. My personal favourite - which I didn't volunteer earlier since that
wasn't what you asked for - is the EMI Kempe / Janowitz with the Dresden
Staatskapelle, who carry all before them, including a rough Bacchus (Jess
Thomas) ; a bland, "mere" Zerbinetta (Sylvia Geszty) ; and a very peculiar
recording. SJT, Strauss-monstering.
Richard Bernas
2004-09-07 14:05:41 UTC
Post by Dan
Well anything with Janowitz and the Dresden Staatskapelle is a-okay by me.
Post by Stephen Jay-Taylor
PS. My personal favourite - which I didn't volunteer earlier since that
wasn't what you asked for - is the EMI Kempe / Janowitz with the Dresden
Staatskapelle, who carry all before them, including a rough Bacchus (Jess
Thomas) ; a bland, "mere" Zerbinetta (Sylvia Geszty) ; and a very peculiar
recording. SJT, Strauss-monstering.
I am a little surprised that the following recording hasn't been

Ariadne : Maria Reining
Zerbinetta: Alda Noni
Composer: Irmgard Seefried
Music master: Paul Schoffler
Harlequin: Erich Kunz
Bacchus: Max Lorenz
conductor: Karl Bohm

Vienna State Opera on the day of Strauss' 80th birthday June 11, 1944

I could go on and on about, but I will simply say that everyone is on
great form given the celbratory nature of the evening and that it
sounds even better it looks on paper.

My copy is a Preiser CD but it first showed up on DG vinyl and it's
bound to turn up on other labels before long. The sound is fine.

R Kayser
2004-09-07 16:24:33 UTC
Post by Richard Bernas
I am a little surprised that the following recording hasn't been
Ariadne : Maria Reining
Zerbinetta: Alda Noni
Composer: Irmgard Seefried
Music master: Paul Schoffler
Harlequin: Erich Kunz
Bacchus: Max Lorenz
conductor: Karl Bohm
Vienna State Opera on the day of Strauss' 80th birthday June 11, 1944
For some of us - at least for me - the reason has three letters: OOP.
mailto: vortumnus at gmx dot de
Richard Bernas
2004-09-08 00:05:22 UTC
Post by R Kayser
Post by Richard Bernas
Ariadne : Maria Reining
Zerbinetta: Alda Noni
Composer: Irmgard Seefried
Music master: Paul Schoffler
Harlequin: Erich Kunz
Bacchus: Max Lorenz
conductor: Karl Bohm
Vienna State Opera on the day of Strauss' 80th birthday June 11, 1944
For some of us - at least for me - the reason has three letters: OOP.
It's hard to keep a great performance locked away. I am sure it will
turn up again as it would seem to me a good candidate for a Naxos or
Andante release.
La Donna Mobile
2004-09-08 00:06:41 UTC
Post by Richard Bernas
Post by R Kayser
Post by Richard Bernas
Ariadne : Maria Reining
Zerbinetta: Alda Noni
Composer: Irmgard Seefried
Music master: Paul Schoffler
Harlequin: Erich Kunz
Bacchus: Max Lorenz
conductor: Karl Bohm
Vienna State Opera on the day of Strauss' 80th birthday June 11, 1944
For some of us - at least for me - the reason has three letters: OOP.
It's hard to keep a great performance locked away. I am sure it will
turn up again as it would seem to me a good candidate for a Naxos or
Andante release.
Would it then be Ariadne auf Naxos?
Stephen Jay-Taylor
2004-09-08 02:00:07 UTC
"Would it then be Ariadne auf Naxos?" LDM

Nein, herz'l, das ware "Ariadne auf Naxos auf Naxos" ; oder "Ariadne Auf
Andante". SJvonT, Abstand! ha ha ha ha!
gggg gggg
2022-11-04 07:25:56 UTC
Post by David7Gable
Where can I find a good discography of recordings of Ariadne auf Naxos?
-david gable
Bohm recorded ARIADNE... several times:

The June 11, 1944 live Vienna performance, attended by Strauss himself, on his 80th birthday?
The 1954 Salzburg with Della Casa & Rudolf Schock?
The 1964 Salzburg with Christa Ludwig & Jess Thomas ?
1965 Salzburg (on DVD - which IMHO is Bohm's greatest version as a conductor?
The live Vienna 1967 with Janowitz & James King?
The 1968 DG recording with mostly the same cast as the '65?
The live Vienna November 1976?
The 1978 Salzburg video?

gggg gggg
2022-11-04 07:29:24 UTC
Post by David7Gable
Where can I find a good discography of recordings of Ariadne auf Naxos?
-david gable
(Youtube uploads):

"Richard Strauss "Ariadne auf Naxos" Joseph Keilberth"

"Re-pitched ARIADNE AUF NAXOS Bjoner, Geszty, Stratas, Sergi, Engen - Keilberth - Munich 8VIII67"

